Thursday, June 20, 2013

PEDS, Tigers and A-Rod; Oh My!

By: Matthew Orso 
Follow Matt on Twitter: @SportsTalk2345

 This is starting to become ridiculous. As reported by ESPN today, reports have surfaced about Tony Boesch (the steroid producer being questioned in Major League Baseball's Florida PED investigation) visited Alex Rodriguez during the 2012 ALCS when the Yankees played the Tigers.

Boesch is considered by many to be the ring leader who allegedly gave PEDs to Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun, Francisco Cervelli (among others).

I will be honest; baseball fans have had enough of the PED (performance enhancing drugs) issue. At this point people need to make up their minds about what to do with the steroid users in the game. I know Major League Baseball continues to maintain they have the toughest drug testing program around. Well that's still not enough. Players continue to cheat the system and show complete arrogance and neglect for the rules of baseball.

Which now brings me back to Alex Rodriguez. If Alex Rodriguez did take PEDs during the 2012 ALCS then the Yankees need to severe all ties with the man. (And I use the term loosely). Alex Rodriguez did everything in the 2012 playoffs; ask women for their phone numbers, get benched, strikeout and take PEDs. The only thing he didn't do was hit the baseball.

Alex Rodriguez is the anti-Tim Tebow for the Yankees. He draws the media towards him like mustard on a hot dog. However each bit of publicity defining Alex Rodriguez over the last five years has been negative. The only positive contribution Alex made for the Yankees was their 2009 World Series run. Yet with the allegations of PED use in the 2012 ALCS (and some reports indicate he took PEDs during the 2009 season) his few accomplishments as a Yankee have down the toilet and into the New York City gutters.

Alex is coming off surgery and has yet to play for the Yankees this season. His sheer presence in on the back page of any newspaper is the only trace of Alex Rodriguez that fans have seen in 2013. I understand the Yankees owe Rodriguez plenty of money. At this point, that shouldn't matter. Alex proved last season that he's lost his power. (He had 18 home runs in 2012.)

He also earned the title Mr. Single in the 2013 playoffs. And no, I'm not referring to his probable failed attempts at obtaining two female fans' phone numbers at a playoff game in Yankee Stadium. Alex Rodriguez had three hits in twenty-five at bats during the 2012 postseason. The fact is he hasn't hasn't has an extra base hit in the playoffs since the 2010 ALCS! I'm sorry but has the $275 million dollar man earned any cent of his contract? I think not.

Alex Rodriguez is a distraction and a coward for the New York Yankees. He doesn't represent the pinstripes; but instead his own selfish ego. He lives in a fantasy world where there are no consequences for his actions and everyone adores him. Well someone should show where this world is so I can move there! Alex Rodriguez is a coward; he cannot face his fear and be honest with the public. What's worse Alex Rodriguez can't be honest with himself. If he took the PEDs then he needs to stand up for the first time and be honest. The truth will set him free and hopefully the Yankees will send Alex Rodriguez free!

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